I'm beginning to understand WHY so many people are fed up with
government. The lobbyists in Washington have convinced Congress that
Pizza is a vegetable and the lobbyists in Marin have convinced some of my neighbors and
Supervisor Kinsey that Evergreen needs a sidewalk to make it safer - even though it currently boasts a PERFECT safety
record. On top of that, we live in an area that is protected by the TAM plan, which discourages against sidewalks, curbs and gutters - the thing is UGLY and it doesn't FIT. Honestly, if I felt that this neighborhood OR MHS would be best served by this project, I would advocate for it - we have been discussing this project for more than a year and I have spent countless hours researching this issue and feel as if I'm about to burst.
If you want to get the backstory, click
HERE and scroll all the way down to the page before you read this most recent email thread between myself and the Marin County DPW:
From: Mari Tamburo Date: November 16, 2011 11:45:46 AM PST
To: skinsey@co.marin.ca.us
Cc: Scott Schneider <SSchneider@co.marin.ca.us>, hearus@googlegroups.com
Subject: Fwd: Evergreen Sidewalk : Concerns
Dear Mr, Kinsey :
allow me to share my views, once again, about the sidewalk project you
and the DPW are FORCING onto my street AGAINST the will of the majority
of the community and the residents of Evergreen Avenue. I do not want
you to get the impression, from my silence, that I am OK with a 4 1/2
foot sidewalk with curbs and gutters and yellow domes all along
Evergreen Avenue.
I appreciate that the DPW is still meeting with
neighbors, and I am encouraging them all to call the DPW and make an
I'm sharing my recent letter to DPW. It
follows below. Scott from the DPW came down this week to show me the new
plans for the proposed 4 1/2 foot sidewalk on Evergreen Avenue. He was
very nice.
I talked to someone in my pottery class at GROW in Tam
Junction and she said they just did a Safe Routes to Schools project
there. I asked her how she felt about it - she said "I liked it before
So, I asked Scott if there were any before and after
pictures - and then he then sent me the flyer with the before and after
photos from Bell/Marin Avenue, which made me sick to my stomach. The
DPW marketing flyer is attached.
I am trying to be objective here and positive - but it is becoming harder and harder to do that.
Safe Routes to Schools program requires that we build a sidewalk ALL
along the length of the street - if that is so, why isn't there some
requirement that there is a certain level of communication to the
neighborhood BEFORE you submit a proposal ??
oh wait, there IS - but they found a way to work around that, didn't they?
I understand change. I LIKE change, when it is positive and coming at the request of the community.
are many creative ways to make room for pedestrians and bicyclists,
Evergreen Avenue is used by many different people and modes of
WHY can't we have a flat pathway where no curbs currently exist?
Because it all has to look UNIFORM?
don't LIKE UNIFORM - Homestead Valley is UNIQUE and different - and full of strange and wonderful charm.
LIVE IN HOMESTEAD because I LIKE having no sidewalks. If people want to
live in a neighborhood with sidewalks, they should MOVE.
talked to Scott at the DPW again yesterday. Again, he was very nice -
but it seems to me that the Marin County DPW has so many restrictions
and guidelines - uniform code standards, etc. that ANY sidewalk built
from the DPW is NOT going to fit this neighborhood -
I have a problem with this - because THIS WHOLE THING JUST FEELS WRONG to me.
WRONG : how the DPW and MHS worked together to acquire the funding.
The HVCA Rubber stamping a proposal and keeping it OUT OF THE HEADLINES for more than FOUR YEARS is WRONG.
WRONG : The back room dealing aspect and old cronyism of all this.
especially do not like how you, Mr. Steve Kinsey, wrote a letter to Roz
Hamar in May suggesting she ask people to write letters in support of
the sidewalk.
WHY would you do that?
96% of the people who go to that school do not live in the neighborhood.
WHY should they have a say in what happens here?
deserve beautiful, GREEN Safe places to walk - Evergreen already IS
such a place. Please do not force this sidewalk upon it.
out the street, fixing cracks in the road will make it easier to
navigate for pedestrians, seniors and bicyclists -
and can be achieved without adding a sidewalk to the ENTIRE street.
WRONG : how YOU/they are pushing this project upon us - a a street with a PERFECT SAFETY RECORD - in the name of SAFETY.
That is a load of WRONG.
Mari Tamburo
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Schneider, Scott" <SSchneider@co.marin.ca.us>
Date: November 9, 2011 10:02:52 AM PST
To: "Mari Tamburo" Subject: RE: Evergreen Sidewalk : Concerns
Hi Mari,
Thanks for your email.
be meeting with one of your neighbors tomorrow at 2 pm. Would you be
available at 3 pm or so to talk? If not then, I’m available most days
next week as well.
Talk to you soon,
From: Mari Tamburo Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 3:55 PM
To: Schneider, Scott
Subject: Evergreen Sidewalk : Concerns
Dear Scott :
let me start by saying I appreciate the time and effort you and the DPW
have all put into this project so far. I appreciate that the sidewalk
has been decreased in size.
That said, I still have MANY concerns about this planned change for Evergreen.
Most importantly, I do not want to see the street become more dangerous where there currently are few, if any, problems.
"common belief" is "a sidewalk is safer than no sidewalk," the truth of
the matter is, Evergreen's safety record speaks for itself.
loss of parking on Evergreen between Scott and Melrose may not seem
like much (average 3 cars) when most people are at work - but the need
for parking increases on weekends, holidays and during school special
For example, I counted a dozen cars on the Friday before Halloween - most were Marin Horizon School parents for an event.
This afternoon, I counted at least eight cars on the South side of the street.
Where are these people going to park when this proposed sidewalk is installed?
Marin Horizon School plan to make it mandatory that their clients, 96%
of whom DO NOT LIVE HERE, use the sidewalk? What sense does that make?
Is that even a possibility in the winter time, when it is raining?
I also count many more cars on this street when one of the neighbors on
our block has a party or during the holidays. I am not satisfied with
Mr. Beaumont's assessment that "When parking is not available on a
street, people park around the corner. " That is a completely
insensitive way to address our parking concerns.
WHY can't we
make Evergreen, between Scott and Melrose, a one way street going
towards the school? That will leave enough room for a flat pedestrian
pathway AND parking.
With no right turn available onto Evergreen
from Melrose, you will also eliminate the danger of the blind corner -
and this will reduce traffic congestion and pollution by a significant
percentage. The one way would only pertain to cars - bicycles and
pedestrians would be able to use the street in both directions.
am also greatly concerned about aesthetic of the sidewalk. I believe
people need beautiful, unique places to walk! And despite a couple of
eyesores (imho, subjective) on the street - it is a charming, unique
street. I walk on Evergreen every day - it is green most of the year -
and am VERY distressed that my street will be lose a lot of green, which
will be replaced by concrete. I am losing sleep over this.
Are there plans for a planting strip? What color is the concrete going to be?
Why can't you make it a level pathway in the areas where no curb currently exists?
beautiful pedestrian walkway exists in the Cascade Canyon area, with
pedestrian walk space separated by large boulders. Why can't we have
something similar for Evergreen in some areas of the street?
about the environmental impact? I am concerned about water runoff to
Reed Creek - you speak only of the help for drainage on the South side,
near Ethel - but the water drains to the north between Scott and
Can you use permeable concrete on that section of Evergreen to improve drainage and eliminate the need for gutters ?
Isn't permeable concrete more affordable and more environmentally friendly than asphalt?
serve our community by showing some respect for this community's right
to a more context sensitive design - something that is in alignment with
the TAM plan - no NEW curbs or gutters. Many people have been walking
and biking on Evergreen for many years without any sidewalk.
not practical to design and build a sidewalk based upon a consultant's
drawing from so many years ago, nor is it fair to force an unwanted
sidewalk on our street against our wishes - based on an inaccurate
assessment of perceived danger - especially when the person who
spearheaded the project is now retired and does not live in our
Thanks for your consideration.